Tagged with other sites

Is “Every Generation an Island”?

* This post originally appeared on Plumfield Academy’s blog. * ——————– “AS SUMMER DRAWS TO A CLOSE, we prepare for some obvious changes: shorter days, cooler temperatures, a significant drop in ice cream consumption. But another change takes place as well, something whose consequences most of us don’t ordinarily think about. Grown-ups return to work, where … Continue reading

Blogging at the Crossroads

One of the reasons that my husband and I chose to move to Salem, MA (as opposed to any other worthy town on the North Shore of Boston) is to plant a church. Currently we are a small group meeting in our lving room on Sunday afternoons, but we have big dreams and high hopes … Continue reading


I’m quite ambivalent about Halloween. I don’t hate it. After all, what’s to hate about pumpkins and princesses and free candy? But neither do it I love it. What’s to love about roving gangs of middle schoolers, shrieking freedom at dusk in the streets, or five year old bloody Freddy Crougers? My own experience of … Continue reading


I do like a good pair of shoes. Feels like I’m always on the hunt for the perfect pair. Of course what the perfect pair is changes, depending on the season, the weather, my mood and whatever is slightly-behind-the-trend in fashion. I also freely admit to being a cheapskate. I don’t spend a ton of … Continue reading

Keeping it complicated

A friend of mine recently blogged about keeping the gospel message complicated (read his whole post here). He is a staff member of Cru (I knew him back in the day when it was still called Campus Crusade), and works with college students, professors and Cru staff members. He writes to a largely Christian audience, … Continue reading

Weird Vegetables

So far, the “patty pan squash” is the weirdest looking vegetable to arrive in our share this season. (We have a half share at First Light Farm, which is beyond totally awesome. We have a peck of fruit each week too. Unbelievable. It’s also been very cool to get to know my farmer Mike, who … Continue reading

Hazards of Following Jesus

The threat of bodily harm exists for many Christians today, though usually not in North America (see Voice of the Martyrs, which does good work at reminding us in the “civilized” world about physical persecution going on in other parts of the world). Social and cultural persecution exists around the world as well. I just … Continue reading

“I tried on Spandex & almost had to call 911”

This is a really cool blog called Parenting: Illustrated with Crappy Pictures. I chuckled, guffawed and snorted through this particular post entitled “I tried on Spandex & almost called 911.”  This is for all of us women who have ever tried Spandex, Miraclesuits or any other related material with the hope of being “better than we … Continue reading

Extraordinary homeschoolers

I just read a really cool article about the world’s 15 most extraordinary homeschoolers! Read it here. I love the amazing accomplishments, the diversity of talents and interests and the just-plain-coolness of these individuals. Some of the people are well-known, some are not. Some are well-rounded and accomplished, some just have a particular skill they … Continue reading

Homeschooling mania

I am not a very trendy person; I always seem to be one-to-several-steps behind the trendy curve. Whatever the trend is, I am the one lagging behind saying to myself, “Huh, wonder what that was all about? Maybe I should check into it.” By the time that metaphorical thought happens, the trend is over. For … Continue reading